Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The third eye chakra, or Ajna, is the sixth chakra in the physical body. This chakra, the sixth chakra, is probably the most well-known chakra of all. After all, everyone knows what it means to have an open third eye, and many spiritual people work hard to open the third eye chakra. And everybody knows about the “sixth sense,” which coincides with the sixth chakra, or third eye chakra.
There is a good reason for the third eye chakra to be so popular and well-known– it is very important.
A balanced third eye chakra might mean an intuitive person who could even have psychic abilities.
This energy center has a lot to do with intuition and understanding.
The seven chakras from bottom to top are Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, and Sahasrara.
The third eye chakra is located in a little indentation on the forehead just above the eyes, at the center of the eyebrows, and on top of the head. This chakra is said to be related to intuition and understanding.
When the Ajna chakra is balanced, we feel clear, focused, and connected to our intuition. We have a deep understanding of ourselves, and we make decisions with confidence. We can also access our innate wisdom and experience a greater connection to the spiritual realm.
How to balance the third eye chakra
Signs of a balanced Third Eye Chakra include a clear mind and the ability to connect with intuition and make sound decisions.
On the other hand, when the Third Eye Chakra is unbalanced, one might experience feelings of confusion, fear, and paranoia.
When the third eye chakra is blocked, you can feel a disconnect from yourself and others. Some people experience feelings of loneliness and sadness or even existential crises. Your discernment of intuition could be closed off.
Luckily, there is a way to balance the third eye chakra and recalibrate your intuition. A few ideas include meditation, yoga, and journaling.
You can open your mind and feel true nirvana, knowing, and bliss.
Third eye chakra yoga
Third eye chakra yoga poses are some of the most relaxing poses in all of yoga. That is because a calm body could encourage a relaxed mind.
Two yoga poses for balancing the third eye include Childs Pose and Downward-Facing Dog.
Child’s Pose (Balasana) — This relaxing pose allows you to fold your body on the ground and focus on the third eye.
Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) — The downward-facing dog pose is all about stability and energizing. It is also a resetting pose in between different yoga poses. Ground your hands and legs on the ground and push your hips into the air.
Third eye chakra crystals
You can also use crystals and stones to help open and balance the throat chakra. Some of the most popular stones to use is amethyst, a highly protective stone that also helps with intuition.
The crystals that are associated with the third eye chakra are Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Amethyst, Purple Fluorite, and Clear Quartz.
Each of these crystals has its own special properties and can help to balance the energy of the third eye chakra.
Psychological signs of unbalanced third eye chakra
Signs of an unbalanced third eye chakra include confusion, difficulty making decisions, feeling disconnected from intuition, and difficulty seeing the “bigger picture.” Any of these symptoms might signify that the third eye chakra needs to be balanced.
Physical signs of unbalanced third eye chakra
One symptom of an unbalanced third eye chakra might be a headache. This isn’t very surprising because of where the third eye chakra is located in the head.
A person with an unbalanced third eye chakra might have difficulty sleeping, concentrating, or feeling overwhelmed.
Luckily, there are ways to balance the third eye chakra, and those ways can come from within.
Third Eye Chakra meditations
A person can meditate to balance the third eye chakra. You can even order your own Third Eye Chakra meditation if you need an extra boost.
To help bring the Third Eye Chakra in alignment, try to meditate on the Third Eye Chakra. You can also incorporate the crystals associated with it into your meditation. Visualization is a powerful tool, and when you imagine something, you can bring it to life.
Try imagining yourself connecting with your intuition and being able to make sound decisions.
Underactive or Overactive third eye chakra
A third eye chakra that is overactive might be highly-suspicious, confused, or fearful.
An underactive third eye chakra might cause a person to struggle to make sound decisions. Conversely, an overactive third eye chakra might cause a person to make rash decisions.
Since life is all about the decisions you make, you must balance your third eye chakra.