root-chakra muladhara
root-chakra muladhara
Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The Root Chakra (Muladhara) is the first chakra located at the base of the spine. Muladhara comes from two Sanskrit words: Mula which means “root” and dhara which means “flux”.

The first chakra or Root Chakra, is associated with the color red. When the root chakra is balanced, you feel safe and secure with yourself and others. The root chakra is associated with the pelvic floor and associated with the sense of smell.

There are seven main chakras, with each governing a different part of the body. The chakra system highlights different energy points within the body. As an energetic being in a human vessel, any imbalances in chakras could result in physical or psychological problems. Therefore, it is important to learn how to create balance, starting with the root chakra.

All about the root chakra

As the first chakra, the root chakra governs needs at the most basic levels. That means that a balanced root chakra is essential to facilitate energy flow to the other six chakras. The root chakra is similar to the bottom level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. A person must feel safe before they can experience other emotions, and the root chakra plays a huge role in feelings of safety and security.

Just like many things in life, a balanced root chakra is ideal. But sometimes, the root chakra can be overactive or underactive, leading to different problems. For this reason, people must learn to balance the root chakra.

How to balance the root chakra

There are a few ways to balance the root chakra. Perhaps the easiest way to balance the root chakra involves grounding the body by standing barefoot. Balancing the root chakra gives new meaning to the phrase “Going out to touch the grass.”

Root chakra yoga

An imbalanced root chakra may manifest as anxiety, or even greed. However, yoga is a great tool for balancing chakras, including the root chakra.

Through meditation, the use of crystals, and consuming certain foods, the root chakra can achieve balance.

One good yoga pose for balancing the root chakra is the simple mountain pose or Tadasana. Stand with your feet parallel and arms relaxed with your spine aligned as you absorb grounding energy. Use the mountain pose to balance your root chakra and feel every muscle and bone in your body.

Another yoga pose to balance the first chakra is tree pose or Vrikshasana. You can move from mountain pose into tree pose, placing one foot on your thigh and raising your arms above your head with your palms together like you are praying.

Once you get medical clearance, yoga could be a great way to balance the root chakra.

Root chakra crystals

People can use crystals to help balance the root chakra and promote feelings of safety and security.

One crystal that people can use for root chakra balancing is Red Jasper.

Two very popular root chakra crystals are red carnelian and obsidian.

Obsidian is a great crystal for protection and therefore a perfect stone for the root chakra.

Psychological signs of unbalanced root chakra

If a chakra is not balanced, there could be psychological signs or emotional problems that arise.

A few emotional or psychological signs of an unbalanced root chakra include:

  • Emotional
  • Restlessness
  • Insecurity
  • Excessive anger and aggression
  • Impatience
  • Greediness
  • Obsession with materialistic matters

Physical signs of unbalanced root chakra

When an energy point, or chakra, is not balanced, there can be physical signs or symptoms.

Some of the physical signs of an unbalanced root chakra include:

  • Bladder problems
  • Constipation
  • Lower back pain
  • Eating disorders
  • Kidney stones
  • Weakness in the legs

Root Chakra meditations


Root chakra meditations and affirmations are words that someone can say to balance their first chakra.

Root chakra mediations begin with “I am.”

Examples of root chakra meditation are:

  • “I am safe.”
  • “I am secure.”
  • “I am grounded.”

Underactive or Overactive Root Chakra

A sign of an underactive root chakra may include fear or insecurity. You might feel afraid for seemingly no reason because your root chakra is working less than it should.

A signal of an overactive root chakra could include greed. Greed might also be a sign of insecurity, because the person does not feel as though they have enough and they could seek to acquire more than they need.

Once a person has a balanced root chakra, they are free to open their other chakras. A balanced chakra, without blockages, allows energy to through freely through the body with ease, resulting in security and feelings of safety.


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