Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The heart chakra, or Anahata, is one of the most powerful chakras of the human body. The fourth chakra is associated with the color green, and surrounding oneself with green things can help restore balance in the energy center.

This chakra is located at the center of the chest and is associated with love, compassion, empathy, and connection.

The seven chakras from bottom to top are Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, and Sahasrara.

It is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras, connecting the physical and spiritual worlds. When the heart chakra is balanced, we feel connected to our inner source of love and joy. We feel connected to the people around us, feeling compassion and understanding.

All about the heart chakra

Our relationships become more meaningful, filled with unconditional love and acceptance. We become more forgiving and understanding of others and ourselves. On the other hand, when the heart chakra is blocked, we feel disconnected from our emotions and from others. We become more judgmental, critical, and judgmental of ourselves and of others. We may feel emotionally shut down, unable to feel love and compassion for ourselves or others. It is important to keep the heart chakra balanced and open in order to experience true joy and connection with ourselves and others.

There are many ways to do this, such as practicing yoga and meditation, listening to music, and spending time in nature. It is also important to connect with our emotions and to express them in a healthy way.

How to balance the heart chakra

Signs of an unbalanced heart chakra include feelings of isolation and feelings of being disconnected from the world. On the other hand, signs of a balanced heart chakra include feelings of unconditional love and an ability to forgive.

Compassion and love make the world go around, so the importance of the heart chakra cannot be overstated.

We can also use crystals and stones to help open and balance the heart chakra. Some of the most popular stones to use are rose quartz, aventurine, and pink tourmaline.

Heart chakra yoga

Yoga poses that help activate and balance the heart chakra include backbends like cobra or wheel and heart openers like bridge or camel. These poses can help open the chest and release any built-up emotions.

Cobra (Bhujangasana) — Start on your belly with your arms at your sides and your toes pointed and push your body up, with your pelvis and thighs remaining on the ground. This heart-opening yoga pose is a back-stretching pose that improves posture and counteracts slouching that occurs while sitting at a desk.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) — Lie on your back with your feet planted into the ground and raise your hips with your arms parallel beneath you. The Bridge pose helps open the heart chakra and stimulates the endocrine and nervous systems.

Heart chakra crystals

The crystals associated with the heart chakra are rose quartz, green aventurine, and pink tourmaline. These crystals can help activate and balance the heart chakra.

Psychological signs of unbalanced heart chakra

Signs of an unbalanced heart chakra include feeling disconnected from others, stuck in patterns of co-dependency, and feeling a lack of compassion.

To balance the fourth chakra, we can practice yoga poses such as cobra pose, camel pose, and shoulder stand.

Physical signs of unbalanced heart chakra

A weak immune system is a sign of an unbalanced heart chakra.

When we hold onto unhappiness and sadness, it manifests physically, oftentimes causing illness. For this reason, it is important to practice compassion and forgiveness, allowing the immune system to thrive and letting go of toxicity.

Heart problems are perhaps one of the most obvious physical signs of a blocked heart chakra– the word “heartbreak” is real. We must forgive and let go and allow the body to work seamlessly without blockages and tension.

Heart Chakra meditations

You can meditate to balance the heart chakra, to let love flow through you. You can even order your own Heart Chakra meditation if you need an extra boost.

Say in your head or out loud, “I love.”

Reflect on the feeling you experience when you say those words.

We are love, love feels good, and it comes from within if you want it to.

Underactive or Overactive heart chakra

An underactive heart chakra could lead to feelings of insecurity, mistrust, and fear of attachment.

Conversely, an overactive heart chakra could lead to unhealthy attachment disorders, co-dependency, or obsession.

For these reasons, a balanced heart chakra is of the utmost importance.

As a being of love, you must allow compassion to flow through you in the physical and spiritual sense.