Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is the most powerful chakra in the body that bridges the gap from the spiritual world to the physical world. The seventh chakra, the crown chakra, is located at the crown of the head, just above the body.

Once the crown chakra is unblocked, some might say you have reached nirvana or spiritual awakening. When the crown chakra is balanced and open, we experience a sense of oneness with the Universe. We feel connected to our higher selves and have an open channel to divine guidance. We receive insights, understanding, and wisdom from the Universe and feel connected to our spiritual path and purpose.

The seven chakras from bottom to top are Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, and Sahasrara.

All About Crown Chakra

Signs of a balanced crown chakra include feeling connected to a higher power, feeling inspired, being able to think clearly, and having a strong sense of purpose.

Conversely, an unbalanced crown chakra can manifest as feeling disconnected from your spiritual side, feeling blocked in your creative expression, having difficulty concentrating, and feeling lost in life.

Luckily, there is a way to balance the crown chakra and reconnect with your higher self. A few ideas include meditation, yoga, and journaling.

How to balance the crown chakra

If you are looking to balance your crown chakra, you can try meditating with the crystals associated with it, visualizing white light around your head, and repeating positive affirmations about your connection to the divine. You don’t have to use white light to balance the crown chakra, however.

We can also use crystals and stones to help open and balance the heart chakra. Some of the most popular stones to use are rose quartz, aventurine, and pink tourmaline.

Practicing yoga and journaling can also help to balance this energy center.

Crown chakra yoga

Crown chakra yoga poses are important because they allow you to connect with your higher self and recalibrate your energy.

Plow (Halasana) — This folded inversion places your body upside down with your feet over your head and your spine straight to focus on the crown chakra.

Lotus Pose (Padmasana) — is a grounding and an energizing pose, which makes it quite powerful. It is also one of the easier poses that many people can do to balance the crown chakra.

Crown chakra crystals

The crystals or stones associated with the crown chakra are amethyst, selenite, clear quartz, and purple fluorite.

Amethyst is a beautiful violet crystal that is said to have calming and protective properties. It is believed to help one connect with the divine and is associated with wisdom and spiritual guidance.

Selenite is a white crystal that has a healing, calming energy. It is believed to help one go deeper into meditation and open the third eye.

Clear quartz is a powerful crystal that amplifies the energy of any other crystals it is paired with and is an excellent tool for meditation.

Purple fluorite is a powerful crystal that is believed to help balance and open the crown chakra. It is also said to help with intuition and spiritual understanding.

Psychological signs of unbalanced crown chakra

On the other hand, when the crown chakra is unbalanced, we feel disconnected from our higher selves, feel insecure, and have difficulty finding our purpose in life. We might also feel overwhelmed and overwhelmed with negative emotions. Signs of an unbalanced crown chakra include difficulty concentrating, feelings of confusion, anxiety, and depression.

Signs of an unbalanced crown chakra can include headaches, feeling disconnected from the spiritual world, feeling disinterested in learning new things, and feeling like you don’t have a purpose in life.

Physical signs of unbalanced crown chakra

Because the crown chakra is the only chakra that is not in the physical body, the physical signs of an unbalanced crown chakra might be a bit different.

One prominent sign of an unbalanced crown chakra is a headache.

If you do have an unbalanced crown chakra, there are steps that you can take to rebalance the crown chakra and reconnect with your higher self.

Crown Chakra meditations

A person can meditate to balance the crown chakra. You can even order your own Crown Chakra meditation if you need an extra boost.

To help bring the Crown Chakra in alignment, try to meditate on the space above your head. You can also use the crystals associated with this chakra in your meditation. Visualization is a powerful tool, and when you imagine something, you can bring it to life.

Underactive or Overactive crown chakra

An underactive chakra might manifest with a person uninterested in learning new things.

In conclusion, the seventh chakra, Sahasrara, or the crown chakra, is associated with enlightenment and spiritual connection. Crystals such as clear quartz, selenite, amethyst, and diamond are helpful for attuning to this chakra.

Signs of a balanced or unbalanced crown chakra can help us to recognize whether this chakra is out of balance and needs attention.

An unblocked crown chakra paves the way for spiritual awakening. With the crown chakra in alignment, energy flows freely throughout the body and manifestation becomes easier.