Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The solar plexus is all about will-power, confidence, and vitality. If you are feeling motivated and ready to take on the world, your solar plexus chakra could be in good shape. The third chakra or solar plexus Chakra, is associated with the color yellow. When the solar plexus chakra is balanced, you feel safe and secure with yourself and others. The solar plexus chakra is related to the area right below the navel and to the sense of sight. But the third chakra is different from the third eye chakra in that it has more basic needs involving confidence and vitality.

There are seven main chakras, with each controlling a different region of the body. The chakra system highlights other energy points within the body. After the root chakra and the sacral chakra, you will find the solar plexus chakra in bright yellow.

As the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra governs needs at the lower half of the body. That means that a balanced solar plexus chakra is necessary to flow energy to the other six chakras. 

Just like many things in life, a balanced solar plexus chakra is ideal. However, in some cases, the solar plexus chakra might be overactive or underactive. For example, an overactive solar plexus might manifest as a domineering personality who is aggressive. A person with an underactive solar plexus might be passive. Because the solar plexus governs confidence, too much or too little energy in the region shows up in the way that actions occur.

How to balance the Solar Plexus chakra

There are a few ways to balance the solar plexus chakra. One easy way to balance the solar plexus chakra involves looking in the mirror and showing yourself self-love. Basically, you might try to fake it until you make it. Balancing the solar plexus chakra gives new meaning to the phrase “having a fire in your belly.”

Solar Plexus chakra yoga

An imbalanced solar plexus chakra may manifest as self-doubt or even a lack of motivation.

Through meditation, the use of crystals, and eating certain foods, the solar plexus chakra can achieve balance.

A yoga pose for balancing the solar plexus chakra is fire breath or Dhanurasana. Because the solar plexus element is fire, you want to get the first going with passionate breathing.

Another solar plexus balancing yoga pose is the standing lunge with a twist.

Solar Plexus Chakra crystals

People can use crystals to help balance the solar plexus chakra and promote feelings of safety and security. 

One crystal that people can use for solar plexus chakra balancing is Red Jasper.

Tiger’s eye is the perfect crystal or healing stone for the third chakra or solar plexus chakra. Another solar plexus stone is the highly-protective citrine.

Psychological signs of unbalanced solar plexus chakra

If a chakra is not balanced, psychological signs or emotional problems could arise.

A few emotional or psychological signs of an imbalance in the solar plexus chakra include:

  • Low confidence
  • Diminished self-worth
  • Lower self-esteem

Physical signs of unbalanced solar plexus chakra

When an energy point, or chakra, is not balanced, there can be physical signs or symptoms.

Some of the physical symptoms of an unbalanced solar plexus chakra include:

  • Ulcers
  • Heartburn
  • Eating disorders, 
  • Indigestion

Solar Plexus chakra meditations

Solar plexus chakra meditations and affirmations are words that someone can say to balance their first chakra.

You can make your own solar plexus chakra mediations. Your solar plexus mediations might begin with “I do,” which is an action word involving vitality, just like the solar plexus.

Examples of solar plexus chakra meditation are:

  • “I do my best everyday.”

Underactive or Overactive solar plexus Chakra

A sign of an underactive solar plexus chakra may include passiveness. This passiveness might stem from low self-esteem and not believing in yourself. On the other end of the spectrum, an overactive solar plexus might be too confident.

To sum it all up, once a person has a balanced solar plexus chakra, they feel confident in themselves and their abilities.