Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) is the second chakra located at the base of the spine. Svadhisthana comes from two Sanskrit words: “Swa” which means self, and “adhishthana” which means “established.” After the root chakra, or the first chakra, comes the second chakra. The second chakra, or Sacral Chakra, is associated with the color orange. When the sacral chakra is balanced, you feel safe and secure with yourself and others. The sacral chakra is connected to the reproductive organs and associated with the sense of taste.

There are seven main chakras, with each governing a different part of the body. The chakra system highlights different energy points within the body. As an energetic being in a mortal container, any inequalities in chakras could result in physical or psychological problems.

As the second chakra, the sacral chakra governs needs at the most basic levels. That means that a balanced sacral chakra is necessary for energy to flow. A person must feel safe before they can experience other emotions, and the sacral chakra plays a huge role in feelings of security with emotions and in relationships. Just like many things in life, a balanced sacral chakra is superior. But occasionally, the sacral chakra can be overactive or underactive, leading to different behaviors. Obsession could be a manifestation of an overactive sacral chakra. Conversely, detachment could be a sign of an underactive sacral chakra.

How to balance the Sacral chakra

There are a few ways to balance the sacral chakra. Perhaps the easiest way to balance the sacral chakra involves getting near a body of water. Because emotions are like water running through the body, the element of water is crucial to balancing the sacral chakra. If possible, swim in the ocean or in a lake. Even a warm bath can be a wonderful sacral balancing moment.

Sacral Chakra Yoga

An imbalanced sacral chakra may manifest as emotional instability, particularly in relationships.

Through meditation, the use of crystals, and eating certain foods, the sacral chakra can achieve balance and allow for a good foundation for healthy attachments and relationships.

One good yoga pose for balancing the sacral chakra is Trikonasana, or the Classical Triangle Pose. 

Another more advanced yoga poses to balance the sacral chakra is the crow pose.

Sacral Chakra crystals

People can use crystals to help balance the sacral chakra and promote feelings of emotional stability and creativity. 

One crystal that people can use for sacral chakra balancing is Red Jasper.

Orange carnelian is a sacral chakra balancing stone. People place carnelian in their kitchens to stimulate hunger and cooking creativity.

Psychological signs of unbalanced Sacral chakra

If a chakra is not balanced, there could be psychological signs or emotional issues.

A few emotional or psychological signs of a sacral chakra imbalance include:

  • Low self-worth
  •  Low libido
  •  Lack of creativity
  •  Relationship trouble
  •  Intimacy problems

Physical signs of unbalanced Sacral chakra

When an energy point, or chakra, is not balanced, there can be physical signs or symptoms.

Some of the physical signs of an unbalanced sacral chakra include:

  • urinary tract infections
  •  lower back pain
  •  infertility

Sacral Chakra meditations

Sacral chakra meditations and affirmations are words that someone can say to balance their second chakra.

Sacral chakra mediations begin with “I feel.”

Examples of sacral chakra meditation are:

  • “I feel safe in my relationships.”
  •  “I feel creatively stimulated.”

Underactive or Overactive Sacral Chakra

A sign of an underactive sacral chakra may include detachment or insecurity with relationships.

A signal of an overactive sacral chakra could include obsession with another person due to an unhealthy attachment. Greed might also be a sign of insecurity because the person does not feel as though they have enough, and they could seek to acquire more than they need.

Once a person has a balanced sacral chakra, they are free to open their other chakras. A balanced chakra, without blockages, allows energy to through willingly through the body with ease, resulting in creativity and feelings of belonging.